Mini-Workshop on Cremona groups and Grothendieck rings

Are Cremona groups generated by involutions ?


Julia Schneider
Evgeny Shinder
Susanna Zimmermann

12 November 2021, room 3L15 Laboratoire Mathématiques d'Orsay


  • 9h-10h30: Julia Schneider: "Generating the plane Cremona group by involutions".
  • 10h30-11h: Coffee break
  • 11h-12h30: Susanna Zimmermann: "The plane Cremona group and Grothendieck rings".
  • 12h30-14h: Lunch
  • 14-15h30: Evgeny Shinder: "Motivic invariants of birational maps".
  • Generating the plane Cremona group by involutions
    Julia Schneider

    The plane Cremona group over a field k is the group of birational transformations of the plane that are defined over k. In this talk I consider the case when k is a perfect field (e.g. any field in characteristic zero, finite fields, etc) and I will discuss the following theorem: The plane Cremona group over any perfect field is generated by involutions. A direct corollary of this result is that all (non-trivial) elements in the abelianisation of the plane Cremona group have order two. This is joint work with Stéphane Lamy.

    The plane Cremona group and Grothendieck rings
    Susanna Zimmermann

    A birational map of the plane over some perfect field that has a base-point of degree d needs to contract a curve with d irreducible components. This is intuitive, but actually not straight forward unless the field is particular. I'll explain how to prove the statement by using L-equivalence of curves.

    Motivic invariants of birational maps
    Evgeny Shinder

    I will introduce variants of the Grothendieck group of varieties, and explain some invariants of birational maps taking values in these groups. I will explain geometric constructions of birational maps with nonvanishing motivic invariants, state some open problems, and give applications to Cremona groups. This is joint work with Hsueh-Yung Lin.


    If you want to participate or to obtain the password of the zoom link (ID de réunion : 937 6887 1059), please, contact Anne Lonjou before the 31 of October at


    (*= virtual participation)


    Emanuele Macrì & Anne Lonjou
