Personal webpage of Nguyen-Bac Dang
Institut de Mathématiques d'Orsay |
Université Paris-Saclay |
Office Building 307, bureau 3L22 |
Email: nguyen-bac.dang(at symbol) |

About me
I am currently Maitre de conférence at Université Paris-Saclay. Previously, I was postdoc at at Stony Brook University and before that I did my Ph.D under the supervision of Charles Favre. I am interested in the dynamics of rational maps on projective varieties of dimension larger or equal to three and in the theory of valuations on convex bodies. My CV is available here |
Conference organization
03/21/20-03/22/20: AMS Special Session in Tufts, Algebraic geometry in dynamics. I am a co-organizer of this AMS session together with Nicole Looper , Rohini Ramadas and Joseph Silverman. The aim is to bring together students, postdocs and researcher working on algebraic dynamics. It will consist of 20 minute talks, as well as a discussion on open problems in the field. |
2024: | Variation of the Hausdorff dimension and degenerations of Schottky groups (joint work with Vlerë Mehmeti) | (Preprint) | ArXiv link |
2020: | Self-similar groups and holomorphic dynamics: Renormalization, integrability, and spectrum (joint work with Rostislav Grigorchuk and Mikhail Lyubich) | (Published in Arnold Mathematical Journal ) | ArXiv link |
2020: | Intersection theory of nef b-divisor classes (joint work with Charles Favre) | (Published in Compositio Mathematica) | ArXiv link |
2020: | Dynamical degrees of automorphisms on abelian varieties (joint work with Thorsten Herrig) | (Published in Advances in Mathematics) | ArXiv link |
2020: | Spectral interpretations of dynamical degrees and applications (joint work with Charles Favre) | (Published in Annals of Mathematics) | ArXiv link |
2020: | A central limit theorem for the degree of a random product of rational surface maps (joint work with Giulio Tiozzo) | (Accepted in Indiana University Mathematics Journal) | ArXiv link |
2019: | Higher arithmetic degrees of dominant rational self-maps (joint work with Dragos Ghioca, Fei Hu, John Lesieutre, Matthew Satriano) | (Published in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze) | ArXiv link |
2019: | Dynamical invariants of monomial correspondences (joint work with Rohini Ramadas) | (Published in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical systems) | ArXiv link |
2018: | Degree growth for tame automorphisms of an affine quadric threefold | (Published in Algebra and Number theory) | ArXiv link |
2018: | PhD. Thesis: Croissance des degrés d'applications rationnelles en dimension 3 | (In library) | Link here |
2017: | Degrees of iterates of rational maps on normal projective varieties | (Published in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society) | ArXiv link |
2017: | Positivity of valuations on convex bodies and invariant valuations by linear actions (joint work with Jian Xiao) |
(Published in Journal of Geometric Analysis) | ArXiv link |
My talks and mini-courses
11/20 |
ADIOS Seminar, Zoom . Spectral interpretation of dynamical degrees. |
06/20 |
St.Petersburg seminar on representation theory and dynamical systems (with M.Lyubich), Zoom . On the spectrum of self-similar groups and holomorphic dynamics. |
06/20 |
Séminaire international et très sérieux de Géométrie et dynamique, Zoom . On the spectrum of self-similar groups and holomorphic dynamics. |
02/20 |
Dynamics and Renormalization seminar, Stony Brook university . On the spectrum of self-similar groups and holomorphic dynamics. |
01/20 |
CIRM (Complex Dynamics conference), Marseille . On the spectrum of self-similar groups and holomorphic dynamics. |
04/19 |
Complex Analysis, Dynamics and Geometry Seminar, Ann Arbor. Spectral gap in the dynamical degrees of tame automorphism preserving an affine quadric threefold. |
11/18 |
Algebraic geometry seminar, Brown University. Degree growth of tame automorphisms preserving an affine quadric threefold. |
11/18 |
Algebra & Number Theory Seminar, Penn State. Degree growth of tame automorphisms preserving an affine quadric threefold. |
10/18 |
Dynamics learning Seminar, Stony Brook. Mini-course on the degree of tame automorphisms preserving an affine quadric threefold. |
09/18 |
Dynamical Systems Seminar, Stony Brook. Spectral gap on the dynamical degrees of tame automorphism preserving an affine quadric threefold. |
06/18 |
Geometry and Dynamical Systems Seminar, Dijon. Spectral gap for the group of tame automorphism preserving an affine quadric threefold. |
05/18 |
ANR Lambda, Toulouse. Spectral gap for the group of tame automorphism preserving an affine quadric threefold. |
05/18 |
Analysis & Geometry Seminar, Jena. A positive cone in the space of continuous translation invariant valuations. |
12/17 |
Seminar on Geometric Analysis, Frankfurt. A notion of positivity of valuations in convex geometry. |
11/17: | Seminar on Complex Analysis and differential equations, Lille. Degrees of iterates of rational maps. |
11/17: | Workshop on Arithmetic and Complex Dynamics, Oaxaca. Degrees of iterates of rational maps (Video here). |
10/17: | Seminar on dynamics, Amiens. A notion of positivity of valuations in convex geometry. |
09/17: | Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop on Positivity of algebraic cycles. Positive cones of valuations in convex geometry. |
09/17: | Young researcher in geometry and dynamics, Rennes. Degrees of iterates of rational maps. |
05/17: | Del Duca meeting, Rennes.
Mini-course on dynamical degrees with Junyi Xie. |
03/17: | Seminar LAGA, Villetaneuse.
Degrees of iterates of rational maps. |
03/17: | Seminar on Analytic Geometry, Rennes.
Degrees of iterates of rational maps. |
03/17: | ANR Lambda meeting, Paris.
Degrees of iterates of rational maps. |
10/16: | Workshop Folheações Holomorfas, Rio de Janeiro. Degrees of iterates of rational maps. |
Conferences I have attended
28/09/2015-30/09/2015: | Meeting in holomorphic and non Archimedian dynamics, Amiens |
18/11/2015-20/11/2015: | ANR Birpol meeting, Rennes |
30/05/2016-31/05/2016: | Young researcher meeting in dynamics, Rennes |
05/09/2016-16/09/2016: | Cremona Conference, Basel |
12/05/2016-12/05/2016: | ANR Lambda meeting, Amiens |
22/06/2016-01/07/2016: | New Methods in Birational Geometry, Toulouse |
Other scientific activities
10/10/2015 et 07/10/2016: | Organizer for the "Fête de la science" (Science festival), Ecole Polytechnique |