Workshop around Skein Modules

October 8-9 2019 -- Orsay


This workshop focuses on recent advances in Skein Theory coming from Factorization Algebras Theory. The talks are intended to be introductive and interactive, with the possibility of asking many questions. The first day will explain the basis of Factorization Algebras and their relationship to Skein Modules. The final goal is to explain the recent proof of the Witten's Finetness conjecture by Jordan, Gunningham and Safronov (see arXiv:1908.05233), which will be the subject of Wednesday's talks.


Adrien Brochier (IMJ-PRG)
Juliet Cooke (University of Eidenburgh)
Sam Gunningham (Kings College London)
Thang Le (Georgia Institute of Technology)
François Petit (Université du Luxembourg)
Pavel Safronov (University of Zurich)

Titles and abstracts in pdf


Tuesday october 8th
09:30-11:00  Adrien Brochier   Factorization homology and quantum groups
11:20-11:20  Juliet Cooke         Skein Categories
          Lunch break
02:00-04:00   Thang Le              Stated skein modules/algebras of 3-manifolds and surfaces
04:30-06:30   François Petit       A brief introduction to the theory of Deformation Quantization modules

Wednesday october 9th
09:30-10:50   Pavel Safronov      Finiteness of Skein Module I
11:10-12:30   Sam Gunningham  Finiteness of Skein Module II

The talks will be in room 2L8 Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and in room 3L8 Wednesday afternoon. Everything happens in building 307 of University Paris-Sud (Directions).


Léo Bénard (University of Gottingen)
Giulio Belletti (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
François Costantino (Institut Mathématiques de Toulouse)
Catherine Gille (IMJ-PRG)
Julien Marché (IMJ-PRG)
Jules Martel (Institut Mathématiques de Toulouse)
Gregor Masbaum (IMJ-PRG)
Louis-Hadrien Robert (Université de Genève)
Pierre Schapira (IMJ-PRG)

ORGANIZERS : Renaud Detcherry (Max-Planck Institute), Céline Farcy (Université Paris-Sud), Ramanujan Santharoubane (Université Paris-Sud)
