ERC Consolidator Grant "SuPerGRandMa"


The goal of this ERC is to study geometric properties of random planar surfaces such as hyperbolic surfaces or random planar maps. We are also broadly interested in understanding large scale properties of random objects (random trees, random graphs...).
Two canonical models of random continuum surfaces have been introduced in the past decade, namely the Brownian sphere obtained as the scaling limit of uniform random planar triangulations, and the Liouville Quantum Gravity metric obtained formally from the exponential of the Gaussian free field on the sphere. Our objective is to broaden our understanding of random planar metrics to the case of metrics with ``holes'' or ``hubs'', and to the causal (when a time dimension is singled out) paradigm. We also plan on studying random maps in high genus and to connect to models of 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry such as the Brook-Makover model, random pants decompositions or Weil-Petersson random surfaces.


2023-Now         Nicolas Curien         Principal investigator
2023-Now         Jean-Francois Le Gall         Senior researcher
Nov 2023-Now         Matteo d'Achille         Post-Doc
Feb 2024-Sep 2024         Arthur Blanc-Renaudie         Post-Doc (now CNRS researcher)
Sept 2024-         William Fleurat         Post-Doc
Sept 2024-         Adrianus Twigt         PhD student

Positions available, contact us!


We list here the main activities supported by the project such as the weekly seminar, expert visits, conferences...

Weekly SuPerGRandMa seminar.

Scientific visits

Dec 2023         Alessandra Caraceni and Robin Stephenson
Dec 2023         Irina Dankovic
Jan 2024         Jonas Kahn
Mar 2024         Thomas Budzinski
July 2024         Alessandra Caraceni and Robin Stephenson
Sept 2024         Wilfrid Kendall
Jan 2025         Serte Donderwinkel

Conferences supported

Jan 2024         Planar map days in Pisa SNS, Pisa
July 2024         Workshop on Self-Similar Markov trees and random geometry CIRM, Luminy
August 2024         Probability with/on random graphs Nesin village, Turkey
Jan 2025         Annual conference of the GDR branchement


Dec 2023         Ideal Poisson-Voronoi tessellations on hyperbolic spaces         M. D'Achille, N. Curien, N. Enriquez, R. Lyons, M. Unel
Dec 2023         Random trees with local catastrophes: the Brownian case         A. Carrance, J. Casse, N. Curien
Jan 2024         Where do (random) trees grow leaves?         A. Caraceni, N. Curien, R. Stephenson
Mar 2024         The distance problem on measured metric spaces         D. Aldous, G. Blanc, N. Curien
Mar 2024         Local limit of massive spanning forests on the complete graph         M. D'Achille, N. Enriquez, P. Melotti